Above the trees

Krijn Giezen designed Kijk Uit Attention as an ‘unconventional walk through the woods’. The walk consists of a path that begins at the sculpture Gewei (Antlers) by John Raedecker and leads to an 87 metre-long stairway that extends above the trees on the Franse berg.

Additional features

Due to tightened safety regulations, the museum was required to provide the stairway with structural safety features. These have altered the character of the artwork and how it functions in the sculpture garden.

Occasionally opened

The museum is currently considering the future of Kijk Uit Attention. For the time being, the work is opened occasionally.

Extra: Moving Pictures

Jop Tonnaer made this short film, inspired by  Sculpture 23Moving Pictures  is a creative collaborative project of ArtEZ and the Kröller-Müller Museum.