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Guest curators at the Kröller-Müller

Their original, personal narratives are given on well-known and lesser-known artworks from the collections of 6 museums. Take a look with them atThe world from above by Serge Stommels, with lithographs by Panamarenko and Hamilton Finlay, and Imagination and representation by Wouter Tempelman. Nanny Coetsier chose works that actually seem to be watching us: with Otto Eerelman’s Blauwe Dog and a pin-up by Erwin Olaf as eye-catchers, while Joeny Veldhuyzen van Zanten confronts the visitor with the fine legacy of Duchamp.

A 11 year old guest curator

Parcival Bessems and Corine Jacobs are more inclined towards the art-historical route, with respectively an introduction of a Second Golden Age (1813-1940) and a new look at the angles and contrariness of great artists such as Piet Mondriaan and Kurt Schwitters. The final and youngest guest curator is Tom Verbeek (11 years-old). He surprised the museum with an inventive professor and the offer of a self-conceived guided tour.

Exhibitions in six museums

During Museum Week (18-24 April 2015), special exhibitions will be open in all participating museums: Amsterdam Museum, the Groninger Museum, the Kröller-Müller Museum, Museum Boerhaave in Leiden, Museum TwentseWelle in Enschede, and the Van Abbemuseum in Eindhoven.

Mix Match Museum was made possible with the support of Stichting DOEN.

stichting doen
Images l.t.r.: George Breitner, Female half nude, circa 1892 (Kröller-Müller Museum), Anton Corbijn, David Bowie, 1980 (Groninger Museum), Pince-nez (TwentseWelle) and Joseph Mendes da Costa, Architectural sculpture (Amsterdam Museum)