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Things to do in Arnhem

Are you looking for a museum near Arnhem for a wonderful day out? How about the Kröller-Müller Museum? Here you can enjoy the work of the great modern masters amid the natural beauty of the Veluwe. A significant part of the art collection can even be admired outdoors. Some 200 sculptures are on display in the museum's sculpture garden, which is one of the largest in Europe. Inside the museum, you can expect another unique experience with world-class art.

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Museum of modern art near Arnhem

The Kröller-Müller Museum is the museum for modern art that you must see when you are near Arnhem. Inside the museum you will find the work of the great masters of the modern era. Did you know that the Kröller-Müller Museum has the second largest collection of Van Gogh artworks in the world? The work of other big names can also be found at the museum. Here, you will come face to face with the iconic artworks of Claude MonetPiet MondrianPablo Picasso and Gerrit Rietveld. Stroll past all these impressive pieces yourself, or discover the story behind the artworks with an audio tour or guided tour. There are also temporary exhibitions featuring the work of contemporary artists. So many things to do near Arnhem.

Day trip with children near Arnhem

Are you having a day out near Arnhem and looking for a child-friendly outing? Children can have a blast at the museum and in the sculpture garden. Let them explore the sculpture garden and challenge them to pose for a selfie with the sculptures. Strike a pose! 

One remarkable sculpture is Jardin d'émail by artist Jean Dubuffet. This artificial garden is specially designed for walking and playing on. To avoid disappointment, please note that this artwork is closed during the winter months due to the danger of slipperiness and opens again in the spring.

Arnhem activities for kids

In this museum near Arnhem, children learn about the works of art in a playful way through our various children's activities. With the Detective Game, you can complete exciting and fun assignments to lead you past the masterpieces. Or roll your way through the rooms with the Museum Dice Game. Now that the children have thoroughly absorbed the work of the masters, it's time for them to start painting themselves. With our digital painting game, children learn to recreate details from the works of the greatest artists of all time. End the day with romance and go on a blind date with a work of art. Is there more to it than just a friendship? So many things to do near Arnhem!

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What to do in Arnhem?

Combine a visit to the Kröller-Müller Museum with one of the many other things to do near Arnhem, such as a safari on the Veluwe or a visit to Jachthuis Sint Hubertus. There is also plenty to do in the city itself. Complete your day with a visit to Burgers' Zoo or Park Sonsbeek.