
About 110 employees work at the Kröller-Müller Museum (80 FTE). The directorate consists of Benno Tempel (director) and Frits de Vogel BEc (business director). Together with Lille Witsen Elias (company secretary), Marjan Reitsma (head of marketing & development), Tanja de Boer (head of collection and research), Jannet de Goede MA (head of exhibitions) and Michiel van Wijk (head of financial affairs), the director and the business director make up the management team.
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Job vacancies

Would you like to work at the Kröller-Müller Museum? Then keep an eye on our job vacancies page!
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The Kröller-Müller Museum is registered as a Public Benefit Organization (ANBI) at the Dutch Tax Administration. 
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As an internationally leading museum, the Kröller-Müller Museum would like its Dutch and international guests to be able to enjoy the world-famous collection of works by Van Gogh, his contemporaries, and artists who have had a considerable influence on art history after them.

annual reviews

The year’s main facts and figures and an impression of highlights are published in a summarized annual review.
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(Inter)national collaboration

The Kröller-Müller Museum collaborates nationally and internationally with organizations that contribute to the promotion of and research into artworks and artists in the museum’s collection.
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Governance Code Cultuur

THe Kröller-Müller Museum endorses the Governance Code Cultuur.

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